Solar PEIS Schedule
Preparation of the Solar PEIS is a multistep process.
Preparation of the Solar PEIS has been a multistep process. The process included:
- public and agency scoping;
- coordination and consultation with Federal, State, and local agencies and tribal governments;
- publication of a Draft Solar PEIS and public review;
- publication of a Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS and public review; and
- publication of a Final Solar PEIS.
The Draft Solar PEIS, Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS, and Final Solar PEIS are available for downloading or browsing through this Web site. All comments received on the Draft Solar PEIS and the Supplement to the Draft were considered in preparing the Final Solar PEIS.
The public comment period for the Draft Solar PEIS closed on May 2, 2011. The public comment period for the Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS closed on January 27, 2012. The DOE and BLM hosted fourteen public meetings on the Draft Solar PEIS and five public meetings on the Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS to provide information and receive comments. See Public Involvement for more information.
Public Involvement in the Solar PEIS Process |
Public Scoping |
Draft Solar PEIS and Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS |
Final Programmatic EIS |
Record of Decision |
What Happens:
Gather Public Issues and Comments on Scope
Consider Public Comments
What Happens:
Publish Draft Solar PEIS and Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS
Public Examination and Comment Period
Consider Public Comments
What Happens:
Revise Draft Programmatic EIS
Publish Final Programmatic EIS
What Happens:
Write and Publish Record of Decision |
May 2008–July 2008 July 2009–September 2009 |
Draft PEIS published December 2010. Public comment period closed on May 2, 2011.
Supplement published Oct 2011. Public comment period closed January 27, 2012. |
July 2012 |
October 2012 |
Public Involvement Activities:
Public Scoping Meetings
Submit Public Comments via Mail, Web, or in Person at Meetings |
Public Involvement Activities:
Public Meetings
Submit Public Comments via Mail, Web, or in Person at Meetings |
Public Involvement Activities:
Public Distribution of Final EIS |
Public Involvement Activities:
Public Distribution of Record of Decision |