Solar Energy Development Draft PEIS (Draft Solar PEIS)
The full text of the Draft Solar PEIS is available for downloading or online browsing in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
(NOTE: The Final Solar PEIS is available and presents the final proposed Agency actions.)
Volume 1 - Reader's Guide, Executive Summary, Chapters 1-7 and 14-16
Volume 2 - Chapter 8: Arizona Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 3 - Chapter 9: California Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 4 - Chapter 10: Colorado Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 5 - Chapter 11: Nevada Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 6 - Chapter 12: New Mexico Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 7 - Chapter 13: Utah Proposed Solar Energy Zones
Volume 8: Appendices
NOTE: The files for Volumes 2-7 (Proposed Solar Energy Zones analyses) require large downloads. For your convenience, you may download smaller PEIS sections for individual SEZs under Individual Solar Energy Zone Sections.
MAPS: In addition to the maps presented in the Draft Solar PEIS and Supplement documents, maps and spatial data are available for downloading in several formats, or for interactive online viewing under Solar Energy Development PEIS Maps.
Volume 1
Reader's Guide to the Draft PEIS     |
Reader's Guide (175 KB, 8 pages) |
Front Matter: "Dear Reader" Letter, Contents, Notation, English/Metric Equivalents |
Front Matter (961 KB, 49 pages) |
Chapter 16: Glossary |
Glossary (422 KB, 86 pages) |
Volume 2
Volume 3, Parts 1 and 2
Volume 4
Volume 5, Parts 1 and 2
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Appendices |
Appendix A: Current and Proposed Bureau of Land Management Solar Energy Development Policies and Design Features (3.6 MB, 174 pages) |
Appendix B: Active Solar Applications (147 KB, 174 pages) |
Appendix C: Proposed BLM Land Use Plan Amendments Under the BLM Action Alternatives of the Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (221 KB, 22 pages) |
Appendix D: Summary of Regional Initiatives and State Plans for Solar Energy Development and Transmission Development to Support Renewable Energy Development (1.4 MB, 44 pages) |
Appendix E: Methods for Estimating Reasonably Foreseeable Development Scenarios for Solar Energy Development (2.9 MB, 60 pages) |
Appendix F: Solar Energy Technology Overview (1.8 MB, 98 pages) |
Appendix G: Transmission Constraint Analysis (1.4 MB, 20 pages) |
Appendix H: Federal, State, and County Requirements Potentially Applicable to Solar Energy Projects (99 KB, 38 pages) |
Appendix I: Ecoregions of the Six-State Study Area and Land Cover Types of the Proposed Solar Energy Zones (1.2 MB, 50 pages) |
Appendix J: Special Status Species Associated with BLM's Alternatives in the Six-State Study Area (830 KB, 270 pages) |
Appendix K: Government-to-Government and Cultural Resource Consultations (42.2 MB, 386 pages) |
Appendix L: GIS Data Sources and Methodology (218 KB, 18 pages) |
Appendix M: Methodologies and Data Sources for the Analysis of Impacts of Solar Energy Development on Resources (678 KB, 76 pages) |
Appendix N: Viewshed Maps for Proposed Solar Energy Zones (13.5 MB, 148 pages) |