Individual Solar Energy Zone Sections
The analyses of the 24 proposed solar energy zones (SEZs) are provided in separate, smaller files to facilitate review of the Solar Energy Development Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Draft Solar PEIS).
For the convenience of users desiring smaller file downloads, sections of the Draft Solar PEIS containing the impact analyses for individual proposed SEZs are available for downloading or browsing online.
These documents contain complete analyses from the SEZ chapters (Chapters 8 through 13 in Volumes 2-7) specific to each SEZ. In order to limit the file sizes, these documents do not contain the table of contents for the chapter, the acronym list, or other introductory material; however, the acronym and glossary list are available through the Web site, and Notation and English/Metric Equivalents are available in the Front Matter file.
The following documents are in PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
New Mexico
The detailed analysis of the proposed solar energy zones (SEZs), provided in Chapters 8 through 13, will be used to inform BLM decisions regarding the size, configuration, and/or management of these SEZs. These sections also include proposed mitigation requirements (termed "SEZ-specific design features"). Please note that the SEZ-specific summaries of Affected Environment use the descriptions of Affected Environment for the six-state study area presented in Chapter 4 of the PEIS as a basis. Also note that the SEZ-specific design features have been proposed with consideration of the general impact analyses for solar energy facilities presented in Chapter 5, and on the assumption that all programmatic design features presented in Appendix A, Section A.2.2, will be required for projects that will be located within the SEZs.
BLM will implement its SEZ-specific decisions through the BLM Record of Decision for the Final PEIS. Comments received during the review period for the Draft PEIS will inform BLM decisions.