About the Solar PEIS
A guide to the Solar Energy Development Programmatic EIS (Solar PEIS), the PEIS process, scope, alternatives, and schedule.
The Solar PEIS has been prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (the Agencies) in order to assess environmental impacts associated with the development and implementation of agency-specific programs that would facilitate environmentally responsible utility-scale solar energy development in six western states (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah).
Explore this section to learn more about the PEIS, including:
See Public Involvement to learn how the public has participated in the process.
Additional documents related to the PEIS are available for downloading and browsing on the Documents page of this Web site.
Solar PEIS Scope
For information about the scope of the Programmatic EIS, see What's in the Solar PEIS.
Solar PEIS Process and Schedule
Preparation of the Solar PEIS has included issuance of a Draft Solar PEIS, a Supplement to the Draft Solar PEIS, a Final Solar PEIS, and a Record of Decision. These documents are available for downloading and browsing on the Documents page of this Web site. The PEIS Schedule page includes a timeline and key steps in the PEIS process.