Mineral Potential Reports for the SEZs
Mineral resource potential assessments have been conducted for each of the proposed SEZs to support their withdrawal from potentially conflicting uses.
(Note: The areas of the SEZs were established through the Solar PEIS ROD, issued in October 2012. The withdrawal of the SEZs was established through a public land order published in the Federal Register on July 5, 2013.)
The six reports presented here were released in July and August 2012. Mineral resource potential reports for Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah were revised and reposted on September 10, 2012 to address a number of errors and technical issues. Changes to these reports include an added discussion of land withdrawal (see Section 1.1 of each report); a correction of the Interim Temporary Final Rule expiration date (see Section 1.1 and the Land Status sections of each report); an expanded discussion of resources consulted (see Section 1.3 of each report); added designations and explanations of uncertainty levels to the mineral potential ratings for all mineral classes (see Summary and Conclusion sections of each report); and a follow up LR2000 query for the proposed Gillespie SEZ (see Sections 3.3 and 3.7.1 of the Arizona mineral potential report). The summary and conclusions, though reworded, have not substantially changed from the original reports.
On September 7, 2012, errata sheets were posted to correct minor errors in the California and Nevada reports.